Site News
We will display information about up-coming events related to German speaking culture on our Facebook site. If you have events happening in your region and would like to see them here, please let us know!
Cambridge German Network / COGS event for schools. 13 June 2015, Cambridge
UK German Connection funded trips to Berlin available for Secondary students. Click here for more information.
Second Cambridge German Network event in June! A day for teachers and students dedicated to translation. Come and hear the translator of the HARRY POTTER series explain his technique. For more information click here, and here for the Registration Form.
Do you know an outstanding teacher of German? Click on the link to find more information and an application form on the Embassy's website here. Viel Glück!
The Oliver Prior Society for Modern Languages will meet on March 29 and 30. For a programme click here
For information e-mail
There is an MML Open Day at the university of Cambridge on March 13. For more information see here
UK German Connection Opportunities for students of German and their teachers. Please click on the links below to find out about:
Summer Courses
Opportunities for schools and teachers
Opportunities for students of German
Click here for a list of talks in and about German given at Cambridge in the next months. All talks are free, students from schools are most welcome!
First Undergraduate Conference in German Studies – places open for schools! Click here for more information and an application form.
Work Placements for German Teacher Trainees – click here for more information
First Undergraduate Conference in Cambridge with keynote speaker Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament. For more information see below:
Germany - a contemporary nation- Panel discussion
Wednesday, 21 January 2014, 7pm
Library, Goethe-Institut London
Admission free, booking essential. For more information see:
Four talks organised by the Cambridge University German Society:
21st of January: Peter Willy Brandt, grandson of Willy Brandt. 6pm, Magdalene College, Cripps Court. All welcome.
23rd of January: Joshka Fischer
3rd of February: Journalist and Russia expert Boris Reitschuster. 5.30pm, Magdalene College, Cripps Court. Talk in German. All welcome.
26th February: Kai Diekman, Chief Editor of BILD Zeitung.
For more information see the German Society's facebook site at
Dinggedicht winners are announced
Follow the Cambridge Department of German and Dutch on Twitter
Join the Cambridge Department of German and Dutch on Facebook
25 years after the fall of the Berlin wall. For exhibition and useful information click here.
Announcement from UK-German Connection
A new flexible funding scheme is available for WWI-related projects involving young people from the UK and Germany. The grants, provided by UK-German Connection, are designed to facilitate joint learning and open discussions on topics related to World War One. Activities should actively engage young people in joint investigation and reflection and give them a platform to share personal views and create something together as a legacy of their encounter 100 years on.
Projects and activities can be small- or larger-scale, and with or without mobility; schools, colleges and youth groups are eligible to apply under a rolling deadline.
Further details and project examples are available at
Cogs makes the Cambridge University news page!
Exhibition at the British Museum, London
Germany, Memories of a Nation: A 600-Year History in Objects
The British Museum has put together a series of talks accompanying the exhibition:
There also is a competition. Send in your Dinggedicht!
If you’d like to read short texts about German Things, click here. They could be an inspiration for your competition entry, or they could be a good starting point for an extended essay or a school project.
The BBC has a series of short programmes accompanying the exhibition. See here:
Guardian article about the objects that have made Modern Germany:
Language Science events during the festival are listed here:
Magdalene College Triennial Festival: Festival of Sound
For full programme see here:
All events are open to all and free of charge.
There are a few events with relevance to anybody interested in languages and German specifically:
22nd January: German DJ and writer Thomas Meinecke
will talk about ‘Music and Performance’ at 5pm in Magdalene College, Cambridge
12th February: Professor Horst Simon and Professor Silke Kipper (both from Freie Universität Berlin) will talk about ‘Dialects of Humans and Birds’ at 5pm in Magdalene College, Cambridge
13th March: Recital of Schubert’s Winterreise by Ensemble Unterwegs
Routes into Languages
Adopt a Class! Read more about this scheme here
Events from Routes into Languages East: